AMICO Architectural Metals

AMICO Picture PERFect proprietary meal perforation process converts images into perforation patterns

AMICO Architectural Metal’s Picture PERFect process can take your raster image and convert it into a perforated image using holes in a metal panel. This proprietary process can translate photography into a surface with high resolution and recognizability. Many of our clients, however, opt to take a more abstract texture path, turning the metal surface into a beautifully custom surface.

This manufacturing process is also great for projects incorporating local artist thumbprints into a given space. For instance, the Fort York Toronto Public Library hired local book illustrator Charles Pachter to create a beautiful abstract pattern that brought unique life and regional context to the facade.

To start a project, you merely need a raster image for which you own the rights. It could be a graphic, a photograph, or a texture that you quickly create in Photoshop. If you need some assistance with a design, please get in touch with AMICO to help create a custom solution for your project.

Guidelines on how to start designing for Picture PERFect

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Frequently Asked Questions

What are my finish options?

Typical finishes include powder coating, fluoropolymer paint, or natural finishes. The selection of your color should be considered carefully along with the color of the background behind the perforated panel to proprely generate positive and negative space.

What kind of images can I turn into an image wall?

Any image that you own the rights to can be converted into a beautiful metal installation as long as sufficient contrast and good imagery conditions exist. This could be an abstract design or texture or an objective image like a portrait.

Why would I use Picture PERFect Panels?

This is a simple way to make a big impact on a project by creating a one-of-a-kind design element. Whether you are trying to create a focal point or a nice simple texture to bring interest to an environment. Picture PERFect panels can provide distinctive design results.

Where can I Install a Picture PERFect image wall?

These types of walls can be installed indoors or outdoors. Typical uses include facades, screens, feature walls, signage, exhibit installations, sunshades, and interior wall ornamentation.