Building Owners, Managers, and Developers
Why should you ask your architect about expanded mesh, laser-cut metal, and perforated panels?
Reduce Cost of Ownership:
How does expanded mesh and perforated metal reduce the cost of ownership of a building?
AMICO’s materials, especially expanded mesh, can produce effective sun shade elements that reduce heat gain from the sun through windows without compromising on natural light. This design method significantly improves energy demand and your carbon footprint. With projections for electricity to continue to rise in the future, investment in sun shading now will pay dividends not just today but throughout the 20+ year life of the façade. You can read our entire case study here to better understand this design approach.
Drive Demand Through Great Design:
Why would tenants and owners want to live in unique, beautifully designed buildings?
Well-designed and unique environments can significantly enhance quality of life by providing a sense of beauty, pride in the community, increased well-being, and a positive emotional impact. Bringing generic, forgettable buildings to market is a disservice to your hard work and real estate strategy because buyers and tenants will gravitate toward the more appealing spaces.
AMICO Architectural Metal materials are highly customizable and have been a design centerpiece for many great designs, some of which have won significant recognition. The beauty and flexibility of working with these materials allow your architect to be highly creative with their process. Visit our website with this link to see some iconic projects driven by great design.
Preparing for an Uncertain Season of Ownership:
How do you stay compliant with emerging codes and laws?
Urban planners have begun the adoption of Building Performance Standards (BPS) to enhance energy efficiency and lower building carbon footprints in many major US cities. New York (Local Law 97), Boston (BERDO), and Seattle (BEPS) have enacted laws enforcing emissions standards, with increasingly strict greenhouse gas limits and penalties for non-compliant owners.
In New York City, building asset values are already being impacted as buyers lower their offers to factor in potential emissions penalties. Properties that are compliant with current and upcoming standards lease faster, have lower turnover & vacancies, and sell or refinance at higher prices. In contrast, non-compliance can lead to significant costs for property owners, including unpaid fines that may become a permanent lien on the building. AMICO Architectural Metal materials can be key to your de-carbonization strategy. Guiding your architect to use passive sun shading designs that can help you achieve compliance while beautifying your property.
Maximize Tenant Experience and Occupancy Rates with Natural Light:
Why should you care about the quality of natural light?
Statistically, buildings with high daylight levels have a 5%-6% rent premium over spaces with low daylight levels [source]. Expanded mesh and perforated metal are important to you because they are crafted into facade sunshade elements that help reduce solar heat gain and allow your architects to expand window use, thus increasing access to natural light in the building (while still meeting energy consumption goals). More natural light leads to happier tenants and visitors. Studies have shown that access to natural light improves people’s moods, increases productivity, and positively contributes to overall health.
Guiding your architect to explore design forward use of AMICO Architectural Metals allows you to sensibly manage the cost of ownership while opening up a world of beautiful atriums bathed in dramatic sunlight, comfortable and enjoyable office spaces free from glare, and homes filled with warm light and happy tenants.
Building Brand and Value with Distinctive Design:
Why does memorable design matter?
Distinctive design builds the “brand” of your structure. Being at the forefront of people’s memory and a neighborhood centerpiece starts with great design. As you select your architect and guide them with a vision, offering them inspirational images could help ensure you get the design results you want. You can click here to see AMICO’s full portfolio of projects, which provides a lot of imagery for both interior and exterior applications. If you would like AMICO to give a (no obligation) lunch and learn training session to your architectural team, you can click here to start the scheduling process.
Build Greater Value with Adaptive Reuse:
Why does memorable design matter?
Rehabilitation of existing properties has long been seen as a method for developers to move quickly into an area at a reduced cost, all while reducing a project’s carbon footprint. The difficulty is that many buildings available for adaptive reuse can be difficult to make look attractive and appealing (both inside and outside); they likely look ugly and outdated.
Your architects and designers, therefore, need to investigate materials that can make a bold, design-forward statement that attracts tenants and buyers. Expanded Mesh and Laser Cut metals do just that. Ceilings, facades, and interior cladding with expanded mesh and laser-cut patterns can dramatically transform a space and make it feel fresh and exciting. The project below shows an old bank in Connecticut that had outlived its 1980s brutalist style. In this case, the architect did a great job implementing an expanded mesh façade that moved the visual sightlines away from the stale right angles and boring roof line and dramatically increased its curb appeal for potential tenets.